Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Baba who thought he could cure it all...

If only someone could cure him too...

      The following cartoon appears best when sung to the tune of 'Ba Ba Black Sheep'...

      (Sincere apologies to the black sheep!)

      Must See: Previous cartoons about Babu Ramdev and homosexuality


      1. =)) I still have no idea how people are ready to believe in all these babas

      2. This one is one of your best ones Meera! Totally "Jio Guru" type


      3. My first time in here! Nice writing style.

      4. loved it and shared on my fb.... hope to see more of ur work... way to go... and babaji ki....... jai ho :))))) ( cos he makes us laugh so much)

      5. Hi Meera

        Your cartoons are in poor taste.

        Probably you should find out how such masters are helping people and bettering their lives before making such cartoons.

      6. do u know n e thing about ramdevji @ all

      7. Another urban elite who thinks that just because most babas are frauds, this guy must be a fraud too. You are the one who is gullible here who has fallen for medical mafia's propaganda about how diseases can be treated only through expensive methods like chemotherapy. Yeah, his comment on homosexuality was unfortunate, but like most brainwashed educated youngsters you ignore how medical establishment has created hundreds of fake mental diseases so that they can develop pills to cure them and sell it to gullibles like you. Every deviation from the norm, every mental condition created by anxiety, shyness, mood swings etc is termed as a disorder by the whores of the medical industry. Lets see some cartoons lampooning the pharma companies and their devious way of fooling billions.

        Here's some free advice. Spend few hours listening to his free advice on telly. Gyan is gyan and just because it is desi does not mean it is laughable. Have you noticed that the guys who are bringing about the collapse of western civilization through excessive greed and deceit are the ones who are educated at Harward and Yale?

        And just for your info, I'm not a follower of Baba Ramdev. I've heard his speeches only a couple of times. But from whatever little I've heard, I can tell you that he makes more sense than most of educated fools. His understanding of holistic drugs-free health, medicine, economics, agriculture, sustainable development, water management, fraudulent practices of MNC's and on many other crucial topics is remarkable.

        I wish that one day he becomes PM of India. We have had enough of corrupt mir jaffirs who have been ruining us for decades and need someone who has vision and passion to bring about a radical change that we desperately need.

      8. Leave him alone..he is not a subject of ridicule in a cartoon..dunno why its a trend to target him...besides cartoons cartoons par banao..batherey padey hain..SUBJECTS

      9. Pathetic comics. No creativity at all. Totally faltu..

      10. Hi Meera, The cartoons are very good!! Frinds! understand it is not an attack on the saint..., but a natural reaction when a saint says he'll enter politics!! However, I share the view of 'flushthefools' regarding the medical mafia, which actually kills common man's pocket and the health! But the cartoons are fantastic for the laughter it generates!!

      11. guys..stop raking it as a sensitive thing... it should be treated as a piece of creative expression... and everyone has the right to do that
        (**for those against it**) stop being a BABA yourself nobody here wants any of your preachings.

      12. Hi...
        1) Yes..its a piece of creative expression!

        2) Nobody is being a BABA here and preaching..!Its again piece of expression of opinion.

        3) Nobody has made anybody a spoke person to comment on behalf of others..If someone has a view point..its perfectly OK! But plz do not speak for others without their permission.

      13. ****guys..stop raking it as a sensitive thing... it should be treated as a piece of creative expression... and everyone has the right to do that****

        Yes..everyone has a right to make caricatures of anyone, no matter how high and mighty that person might be. But at the same time, you should have conviction to defend your creative expression and not evade defending it by declaring every argument as a 'hate' comment.

        """"stop being a BABA yourself nobody here wants any of your preachings.""""

        I'm not doing any preaching, only providing a valid counter-argument. Meera has termed me and everyone who believes in Yoga & Ayurveda as gullibles. Since I cannot draw a comic and post it here, I've no option but to input text in the comment box to tell her why I'm not a gullible. If you think this is preaching, you need to consult your thesaurus..

        @Paddypal, if politics doesn't need saints, what does it need? Sinners?

      14. I follow ur comics even tho I may not post a comment. Generally all of them make sense and I enjoy them. This one is no different, no matter people's opinions may differ, cartoon are just cartoons and need to be appreciated for the humor they provide and not taken so seriously as some people have lectured above. Keep it going, u have many fans, I'm one of them and have been for quite some time now!
        @airplanetalk - twitter

      15. Hilarious as always... Really enjoyed the show and I really appreciate it!

      16. Hilarious as always... Really enjoyed the show and I really appreciate it!

      17. I am a regular follower of ur cartoons. Haven't commented b4, but this one forced me to. Just wanted to say that u can be a good satirist too. :0)

        _/\_ RESPECT

      18. Similar story here, I'm a regular follower of the toons made by you and the series of comments has made me act along a similar pitch.

        I really dont understand how a toon can be taken so seriously with comments like "dont question baba's teachings" and "she called us gullible", its a toon to make everyone laugh for gods sake, some of you really need to take a chill pill.

        It is not an attack on baba ramdev, and its really not about "how you educated youngsters feel! oh it must change" I would say its a joke ... and needs to be taken lightly and thats the whole point of its basis.

        I'll quote this line that was commented earlier "Another urban elite who thinks that just because most babas are frauds, this guy must be a fraud too" ....what if I say that the toon depicts a possibility, moreover what if the toon maker just wants to address the people who blindly follow baba ramdev so that they are more cautious?

        Its clear to see that you are making assumptions and inferences about the toon which is your own perspective and I feel when you ASSUME're making an ASS out of U and ME. I believe that the toon like others is good in taste and I for one support this form of expression and hope that any such comments dont come in way of your creativity flowing in the satire genre.

        Keep em coming \m/

      19. I completely agree with the person who wish the life to be a walk through!

      20. "what if I say that the toon depicts a possibility, moreover what if the toon maker just wants to address the people who blindly follow baba ramdev so that they are more cautious?"

        Baba Ramdev is not the first Indian to preach yoga or pranayama. How is he different from BKS Iyenger, except that he prefixes his name with 'baba'?

        I know jokes are meant to be taken lightly. Please treat my comments as jokes on the cartoon. I'm not taking this cartoon too seriously, but making fun of the mindset from which such mocking arises.

        If Baba Ramdev was english-speaking, jet-setting all over the world, teaching in Yoga schools attended by Americans and Europeans, he would have been lauded and appreciated for exporting Yoga to the west. But since he is a dehati, wears orange robes and calls himself a baba, he has been reduced to a caricature.

        What about your own underlying assumptions? That someone who claims he can cure cancer through yoga is likely to be a fraud. If TIME magazine made a similar claim would you mock the magazine? Would you call them gullible for accepting the 'power of yoga'?,8599,106356,00.html

        I'm mocking at the superficiality with many of you make judgements. I haven't seen a single cartoon ridiculing Sri Sri Ravi Shankar. Why? Isn't it because he speaks English fluently, wears white robes instead of orange robes and has followers who belong to convent-educated upper crust of our society and who could be your friends and relatives?

      21. flushthefools...i like your candid comments.

