Inspired by the fact that 10 months after 26/11 attacks, India and Pakistan are still debating adequacy of evidence... 
Yes, I know this isn't a funny cartoon.
It wasn't intended to be.
Cartoons inspired by and dedicated to Social Media Experts...
pro·hib·it [ prō híbbit ] (past and past participle pro·hib·it·ed, present participle pro·hib·it·ing, 3rd person present singular pro·hib·its)
transitive verb
1. forbid somebody: to stop somebody from doing something by passing a law or rule that forbids it
2. prevent somebody: to prevent somebody from doing something
(from encarta)
Cartoon inspired by this concept...
What are you addicted to?
Should anybody really be?
Cartoon inspired by BJP's expulsion of Jaswant Singh...
Learning to sell comes handy in many aspects of life and not just work.
As a sales trainer in my previous job, I often used such examples to add humor in my training sessions...
Follow me on twitter, or else...!
inspired the following cartoons about Independence Day...

Happy Independence Day!
Enjoy your Independence in ways that you still can!
Since its his birthday, I'd like to share this guest cartoon about Lord Krishna...
This cartoon was authored by fellow cartoonists who go by the name aMoeba
If you'd like to read more about them, go here.
I'm quite capable of developing one too!
Never heard that term before? Learn about it from this cartoon...
Here is an older favorite cartoon that I dug up...