Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year Resolutions and Social Media

One of my New Year Resolutions for 2011 was to start another blog.
Since I tend to tweet and blog excessively about social media, I decided to write a separate blog about my social media rants. So here it is. If you're interested in my social media rants, subscribe here.

Here's the first cartoon of the New Year, which I created to feature in the first post at my new blog:

Another one of my resolutions is to blog more frequently. So, you should be seeing more cartoons here, providing I can keep up with my resolution!

Have a Happy and Successful 2011.


  1. Hey, you have a nice collection of short yet witty comics :)
    It nice how you notice many trends of the present day that otherwise go trivially unnoticed!

  2. a nice one :)
    ROFL :D
    keen observer ;)

  3. u have an awesome blog .. new follower ... loving almost every post !! Keep it up !

